October 6, 2024
The association PPATSM in the past 6 months have worked together as a force with the government licensed verification firms namely Metrology Corporation Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and De Metrology Sdn. Bhd. to be in line with the latest rules and regulation instructed by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost Of Living “KPDN: Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Kos Sara Hidup”.
Three parties involving the Association, MCMSB and DMSB have signed an understanding of undertaking statements in March before deriving a solution for the weighbridges verification and re-verifications procedures that are to be in line with the OIML “International Organization of Legal Metrology” and with respect of Certifications issued by NMIM “National Metrology Institute of Malaysia” since 2019.
This effort is to safeguard the interest of all weighbridges users in the country especially in strengthening the rules for weighing instrument use in legal trading according to the Weight and Measure Act in Malaysia.
The committees of the current term conducted two sessions of online explanation to the industry repairers on 10/5/2024 and 17/5/2024 together with MCMSB and DMSB representatives to offer the relevant updates as well as Q&A responses.
Verification of weighbridges will now strictly refer to C3, C4, C5 and C6 accuracy, single and multi-interval instruments and all the relevant metrological characteristic compliances.
In line with such SOP, both licensed verification firms have issued their respective memorandum to all its 70 branches nationwide with effect 1st June 2024.
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