11 companies participated:
Comscale Enterprise – Ang KL
GMS Equipment Sdn. Bhd – Chua Seong Hai
Magoda Weighing Instrument Sdn. Bhd. – Ts. Harman Chua
Masstech Weighing Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. – Chua Lai Hook
Scalematic Enterprise – Yew Chin Boh
Sigma Weighing Sdn. Bhd. – Chin Tai Hin
Sin Huat Hin Machinery M Sdn. Bhd – Wayne Ng & Christopher Ng
Sin Wing Lee Trading – Nicholas Teng
Sing Hoe Weighing Equipment Sdn. Bhd. – Yong CM
Sun Hing Weighing Scales Sdn. Bhd. – Seet Khing Aik
V&C Infinity Enterprise Sdn. Bhd – Oh
Chairperson of the session today, Wayne Ng welcomes everyone and appreciates the valuable time taken to meet in PPATSM office physically for the first time in 2022. Fruitful discussion and useful information are exchanged as follow, but not limited to:
– Imported goods by related members who are major importers in the country faced counterfeiting products in the past as well as online selling of unreliable goods to end user
– Unauthorised verification remain unreported for “flying stickers” which were done without formality by verification bodies
– Online selling of “Fake” verification stickers
– For-Trade and Not-For-Trade weighing instruments classification and awareness needed for consumer
– Non Automatic Weighing Instrument “NAWI” vs Automatic / Semi-Automatic Weighing Instrument category need further guideline from authorities
The Chairman of the Association Chin Tai Hin ended the session with the hope to receive more members’ support and united voices to show to the Ministry that we are ready for Pattern Approval to be implemented without further delays.